Table of Contents
We Are On The Wrong Planet
But We Are The Right People To change that
Are You Playing Modern Society's Chess?
I’ve always had this nagging feeling that I do not belong here as if I wrongly incarnated on this planet. Because trust me, of all the planets to incarnate on, Earth is definitely one of the hardest. If that does offer any solace for your existential suffering, we’re actually lucky, it could’ve been much worse…
Some people believe that Earth represents purgatory, a limited place designed for expiatory purification for those on their way to heaven. The only problem is that Planet Earth looks more like an infernal chessboard where the sinners play their game of chess rather than a space for redemption. The human race plays 7 deadly sins chess like there’s no tomorrow. The only difference is, that they use 7 deadly signs instead of typical chess figures.
So instead of having a king you’ve got envy, on the side of the queen, you can find greed. How convenient. And when you’re trying to use a bishop for your next move prepare yourself to meet greed. Yeah, greedy bishop it’s right there just before your eyes. And don’t even get me started with the paws… they’re obnoxious procrastinators (lazy mf) swimming in the ocean of gluttony… Lust we all share, we just send this energy in different directions. And let’s talk about wrath… commonly called anger… isn’t it a secondary emotion we all use as a coping mechanism to hide what we truly feel but are afraid to express? Tell me if it resonates with you…
Now, then, tell me if Earth looks more like a hell than a purgatory. And the worst part is, we made this beautiful planet like this of our own free will. Can you imagine that we used our best gift of the liberty of choice to create the reality of infinite suffering? How depressing is that?
As a result, or consequences I should probably say, of our wrongdoing as a modern society, we are standing on the edge. We’re one mistake away from falling into the void. So maybe it’s better to take a step back and take a new direction? What do you think?
Hence, we are, in short, in deep shit as a modern society the time for a change is now. There’s no tomorrow till we change our conduct in this lifetime. But here’s the thing – we need to do it collectively. First individually in our own 3d world and then as a collective. It’s the only way to succeed in this tough journey.
“The future depends entirely on what each of us does every day; a movement is only people moving.”
- Gloria Steinem Tweet
The Decline Of Modern Society
Now it’s time to stop playing this damn chess mercilessly torturing our wounded consciousness and take full responsibility for our Earth experience making this space a better place. It’s time to transform this Hell into Heaven.
At this point, you probably think what the title of this article means. So here comes the best part; If you feel you don’t belong on Planet Earth, it’s because you don’t. You’re right. The intuition never lies. Your gut feeling is telling you that there must be something better than just blending into the society that you don’t fit in. You’re not supposed to fit in, in the first place…
In fact, what’s the meaning of being a part of something that lacks Purpose, Moral Values, authentic human Connection, Spirituality, Integrity, Respect, Honesty, true Love, contact with Nature, Sleep…
Instead, we have Tinder, Instagram, the cult of Materialism, the pursuit of social success, Step Tracker apps, movies like 50 Shades of Gray, Porn, Violent music videos, energy drinks to stay awake… and a bunch of famous narcissists who pretend to be philanthropic… Oh my gosh, I could go on and on… but I value your time.
The Role Of Spiritual Healers
Thus if you still feel confused about why you’re here, in this realm, here’s your answer: You came to planet Earth to heal it. Your life purpose is to turn this HELL into HEAVEN.
Does it seem a little bit too trifle over-spirited? From a perspective of 3d reality probably yes but I bet you already know it’s an illusion designed to keep us small and not powerful enough to be a part of profound change.
Hence you came to this planet to heal it, it means that you were born to be a SPIRITUAL HEALER. Maybe you just haven’t realized it yet. If this is the case, this article is a clear sign for you. And if you don’t believe in signs… well, it’s probably time to change that as they are important messages in the process of travel called life.
As a healer, you are one of those beautiful souls, multidimensional beings who travel between the realms of the seen and unseen worlds with one goal only. This goal is to use their healing energy to either heal or help people heal themselves.
But there’s a price to pay for that gift because in the Universe it has to be an energetic balance. Therefore, if you were born to be a spiritual healer I’m pretty sure you’ve experienced a tremendous amount of pain since you were born. The reason for that is actually pretty clear; only those who have been to hell and back are able to find unconditional love in a hopeless place and use it as a tool to turn darkness into light. Through the most traumatic experiences of your life, you were able to master your skill to turn your pain into wisdom and wounds into strength. You discover the sacred way to turn hopelessness into power, evil into good, and chaos into stillness. And the best thing is that nothing can stop you in your journey to permanently align with your higher self.
You are a spiritual warrior who through life-changing catastrophes found the courage to defeat the darkness in your soul. Since that time you can bring more light into the lives of others which in turn will result in healing this planet. So if you ever wonder why you’ve been through so much pain in your life, it’s because you’ve got a greater purpose. And this purpose is to heal this planet.
Life on the Planet Earth is dualistic in our pre-awakening state of consciousness. The 3d world (our current reality) operates on the principles of opposites. There is no light without darkness, good without evil, pleasure without pain, joy without sorrow, and love without indifference (the opposite of love is not hate but indifference). You get my point. In other words, in this realm, everything has its own polar opposite and you need to experience one extreme to be able to reach the other one.
And now it’s the best part that you’ve not been expecting. If you’ve experienced a lot of trauma, rejection, craziness, and pain in your life it means only one thing: that you are a CHOSEN ONE. You’ve been chosen by the Universe to heal others and the planet Earth itself through the power of unconditional love. Because only unconditional love can turn hell into heaven. It’s time you reclaim your healing power and use it to heal this planet and make it a better place for the next generations.
We are on the wrong planet but we are the right people to change that. Through the darkness, we found the light. We found love in a hopeless place. We found a paradise on the ruins of the old. The world as we know it is collapsing. We cannot stop it. As humankind, we’re on the verge of a new age. It’s time for a new chapter.
It’s time to let it burn because it will soon rise like a phoenix from the ashes…
It’s time for New Earth.
Mind Map Of This Workbook

Stay Positive
Be Mindful
Fuel Your Life Purpose
xoxo Kate