The Ultimate Guide To Unlocking Your Creative Motivation


Ok, you just woke up after a full night of sleep and you feel sluggish, tired and so incredibly unmotivated that even getting up from your bed seems to be another mission impossible as if waking up wouldn’t be hard enough. And what you do? Well, if you are like me you just try to figure out if there is even a tiny possibility to make this day a productive one. Because there is nothing more frustrating than realizing at the end of the day that you accomplished absolutely nothing during the whole day. I hate this feeling, I really do. But sometimes even if you try hard the whole universe seems to work against you. 

Anyway, what were we talking about? Oh yes, you’ve just woken up feeling already tired, fatigued and unmotivated. And then on top of all that you realize that you overslept and missed an important appointment. “Oh, my gosh couldn’t be any worse?”, you start asking yourself. Well, let me tell you a little secret: of course, it can be worse… so don’t even tempt fate… But you did it and now your situation is even worse because you got a headache. Well, at least now we know that with a little effort and a small dose of negative thinking you can make a bad situation worse…

But hey, don’t give up because there is still hope. Trust me, there is. So instead of staying in bed all day and feeling sorry for yourself let’s focus on what you can do to improve your current situation and salvage the day. Because it may come as a surprise but there is still a lot you can do to make this day a productive one.

So if you are about to give up, wait a second. Why? Well, because with a little effort and willingness you can still make this day a great one. All you have to do is to stop negotiating with yourself, open your eyes wide, jump out of bed and start implementing a plan B. “What is a plan B?” you may ask. Well, it’s a backup plan that should be drawn up along the plan A. Sounds logical, doesn’t it? Because even if you are a person with undaunted optimism life is still very unpredictable and sometimes even if you try really hard your original plan fails. And when it happens you need to be prepared to implement your backup plan in order to save the situation.

Otherwise, you will end up beating yourself up for all that stuff you haven’t been able to do and then just to make you feel even worse you will probably indulge in negative self-talk. Who needs that?! Let me answer that for you: “No one”. No one needs to hear this bulls*t of a bruised ego that only blocks your progress and growth. So if you hear a voice in your head telling you that you won’t make it just tell it to shut up. You are the captain of your own ship. Furthermore, you are the only one who is holding you back, no one else. So if your plan A failed let’s move directly to the plan B.

Seriously, there is nothing to worry about if your plan A fails because sometimes the backup plan can produce far better results than the original one. All you have to do is to make a choice whether you want to give up or make an effort and save the day. If you chose the second option here is how you can easily overcome demobilizing fear and the lack of motivation.

But first some pseudoscientific facts about motivation:

  1. Motivation is not constant
  2. Motivation thrives from an action
  3. Busy doesn’t mean productive
  4. The achievement of goals are guaranteed only if you set realistic and achievable goals first
  5. A goal without a plan is just a wish – set your goals
  6. Thrive under pressure? So do I but preparation and positive reinforcement are much better/efficient than fear and struggle.


1. Hashtag #life

So you’re having a bad day, huh? Here’s a thing: No one needs to know this, even you. So before you convince yourself that you should stay in bed all day and feel sorry for yourself, get up. Don’t think about it just do it. Get up with your eyes wide open. It may not be the best day of your life but it certainly doesn’t have to be the worst one. It all depends on you. Do whatever you need to do but get up from your bed! You can do a little stretch while you’re still lying in bed, listen to some energetic, upbeat and uplifting music, watch some motivational Ted talks or your friends’ instastories and off you go.

2. Put yourself in a positive headspace

The fact that you got up on the wrong side of the bed doesn’t mean that you have to be grumpy for the rest of the day. So instead of getting depressed and frustrated try to upgrade your thinking. Here’s how you can easily do it: think about all these things you accomplished by now and you are incredibly proud of. Great feeling, right? So tell me, what is holding you back? Do you really think that you can achieve something great by lying in bed and feeling sorry for yourself? No? So, what the hell you’re still doing in this bed?!!

Everything begins inside of your mind. With the right mindset, you can achieve even more than you planned. But, If you really want to achieve something great and be the best version of yourself first you need to put yourself in a positive headspace. Don’t let your inner critic destroy your creativity. And remember that the only one that is holding you back is you.

3. Boost your energy levels

Feeling like you’ve been run over by a truck, and then the driver backed up and rolled over you again immediately after you woke up? Awesome feeling, isn’t it? No, but seriously, there is only one thing you can do to overcome this de-motivated and lacking enthusiasm state and it’s called physical activity. But before you start making any excuses for not exercising and some smart solutions to overcome these excuses wait a second. I’m not saying that you should immediately after waking up smash our a 40 min fat burning workout. Because let’s be honest, sometimes it’s just not feasible. So we’re not talking here about doing intense cardio but about engaging yourself in some sort of physical activity. It is scientifically proven that morning exercises help improve mood and energy levels. So before you make up some clever excuse do a simple stretch, 5-minute cardio or some basic yoga poses and see how you feel after that.

4. Activate your brain cells

When I feel unmotivated, sluggish and tired soon after waking up I make myself a delicious cup of coffee and drink it in my vertical balcony soaking up the sun for Vitamine D. The caffeine in my coffee gives me boost of energy and Vitamin D improve my dopamine levels naturally. Then I usually do my morning workout and eat my breakfast (healthy fats + proteins). Could it be something better to stimulate your brain in the morning than taking advantage of some powerful and natural brain boosters? I doubt it! So if you wake up unmotivated and uninspired I suggest you activate your brain cells, improve your mood and boost your energy levels naturally. Motivation thrives from the action and not vice versa.

5. Unleash your creative power

Finding hard to motivate yourself? That’s ok. Let others motivate you! Use outside sources for inspiration. There are plenty of things you can do to make yourself inspired like talk to your friends or family members, watching inspirational Tedtalks, listening to some motivational podcasts or even doing a 5-minute guided meditation for boosting your creativity.  

Don’t waste your time and energy on beating yourself up. Silence your inner critic and replace your negative self-talk with positive affirmations. Trust me you won’t feel any better if you will keep telling yourself that you are worthless, useless and incapable of achieving your goals. Indulging in negative self-talk is the worst you can do. So if you start listening to your inner critic distract yourself, do something that will make you feel better. If you find impossible to motivate yourself let others do it for you!

6. Dream big, start small but act now

Life is an experiment and you should play with options and explore different possibilities. So don’t get so wrapped up in your bad mood, instead focus on what you can accomplish today. Even if you’re not in high spirits and your energy levels are respectively low there still a lot you can achieve today. So grab a pen and a piece of paper and write down everything you can easily achieve even if you feel low, sluggish and fatigue. It can be any task, even the easiest one. Today’s motto is: Dream big, start small but act now. This mantra on hand will not only increase your level of productivity but it will give you the encouragement that will help you persist.

So instead of making too many decisions that will exhaust your brain start small.

If you woke up already tired, fatigued and unmotivated making yourself productive can be a real challenge. So instead of getting frustrated and depressed because you’re not feeling to do anything today set realistic goals. It can be anything. Start small. Make your bed, clean your room, eat breakfast and do a little stretch. Then ask yourself if you are capable to achieve even more during this day. Remember to start small. Let your productivity levels increase slowly but consistently. And trust me, you are capable of more than you know but you need to start and act now. Because if you don’t try, you won’t achieve anything.

7. Guilty pleasure your life away!

Is there any better way to alter your mood and increase dopamine levels than by indulging in your guilty pleasures food? What are your favorite comfort foods? Can you make or grab a healthy version of them? Why is it so important? Well, because the food that you eat can alter your mood in many different ways and you really don’t need to eat something that will make your mood swings even worse. Therefore, you really want to avoid foods that can cause your blood sugar to go up and down like a rollercoaster (high sugary foods), migraine headaches (processed meat) or imbalance in your brain chemistry (alcohol). Instead, grab some dark chocolate, nuts, salmon, eggs, sweet potatoes, avocado or my absolute favorite a bulletproof coffee! (you can find the recipe below!!)

 So don’t wait up! Guilty pleasure your life away!

Do at least one thing that will make you happy.

You’re not yourself when you’re hungry.

8. Be kind to yourself

It’s normal to feel completely unmotivated and uninspired sometimes. We are human beings, not robots. So instead of indulging in negative self-talk and constantly asking yourself what happened to your enthusiasm, excitement and motivation be kind to yourself. Letting your inner critic to torture yourself won’t help you in any way. Your passion for creating new things and searching for new sources of inspiration is still within you. But here’s a thing, you won’t unlock your creative power and motivate yourself if you continue to beat yourself up. So instead of letting your inner critic destroy you neutralize it through positive self-talk. Because positive self-talk is a powerful tool that can improve your mood, boost energy levels and improve your productivity. Use this tool to achieve your goals. You have the power to control your positive thinking!


Stay positive

Be mindful

And unlock your creative motivation!

xx Kate

Remember to SHARE


4 Responses

  1. I think you have 8 winning strategies! As for the pseudo facts, I agree that being busy does not mean being productive. I think that making yourself busy is often anti-productive over the long term.

    1. Hi Aixa! Thank you so much for your feedback! Honestly, I find it really hard to motivate myself lately and I’ve tried out almost every single way that came into my mind to change it. The 8 ways to unlock a creative motivation are those that I find the most effective… but I’m still exploring other ways 😀 Take care and have a wonderful day!! 😘😘

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