Simple But Powerful Self-Care Tips for Solid Mental Health – be your own therapist


Mental Health Check-In

The importance of having a mental check-in once in a while.


Please always remember that there is no quick fix for any mental health issue. In order to overcome it, you have to address your problem and ask for help a mental health professional. There are many mental health institutions where you can find professional support. Suffering in secret is never a good idea. Mental health professionals are out there to help people with any type of mental health issue. Don’t minimize your problems, sometimes everyone needs help and there is nothing to be ashamed of. If you find it difficult to go to the mental health institution just call a helpline (you can easily find a number online and it’s free!)

Remember you are not alone even if you feel this way. Many people have mental health problems especially in today’s world where it becomes more and more difficult to cope with stress and anxiety.

When was the last time you took care of your mental health?

We like to think of ‘mind’ and ‘body’ as two separate entities with no connection between them. But when it comes to health this way of thinking can lead to a misconception. For instance, many people still think that there is no link between poor mental health and physical disease which of course is untrue. Mental and physical health are fundamentally linked what can easily be noticed among people with clinical depression that experience not only emotional symptoms but also physical symptoms like chronic fatigue, headaches, back pain or even digestive issues. Another great example would be psoriasis – a long term inflammatory skin condition that can be and usually is triggered by stress and anxiety.

Considering the fact that mental health and physical health are closely linked you should value your mental and physical wellbeing equally. Because if you focus only on building a strong body completely ignoring your mental health you will not be able to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Do you know what the best part is? That mental health exercises can be quick, easy and fun. They’re like a gym for the mind. So if you thought that building strong mental health requires a massive amount of time, seeing a therapist or reading really hard books it’s actually not the case. You can strengthen your mental health, boost your mood and increase your concentration by doing quick and simple exercises. Here are my powerful ways to work on mental health:


• Do Deep breathing exercises
• Practice being present (go on a walk or eat your favorite meal)
• Meditate
• Practice positive self-talk
• Celebrate your achievements (embrace progress, not perfection)
• Watch inspirational Ted Talks, listen to motivational podcasts
• Practice gratitude (never take things for granted)
• Engage with others
• Laugh more
• Keep active

What is a mental check-in?

Mental check-in means focusing on and taking care of your mental health.  

  • Reprioritize Your Life – put emphasis/fix/ improve HERE
  • Set realistic goals HERE
  • Create your own SELF-CALMING strategy HERE
  • Learn how to manage panic attacks like a boss HERE


  • Take a piece of paper, ask yourself these questions and write your answers down:
    1. When was the last time I did a mental health check-in?
    2. What are the factors that are affecting my mental health?
    3. What am I struggling with?
    4. To whom I can talk about my problems?
    5. Do I need help?

Strengthen your connection with yourself

  1. establish healthy & positive habits 
  2. set intentions 
  3. practice self-reflection
  4. align your goals with your life purpose
  5. writing down your thoughts and feelings to understand them more clearly
  6. cultivate awareness
  7. embrace your solitude
  8. practice self-care
  9. practice self-compassion
  10. be kind to yourself
  11. do a digital detox
  12. do a mirror work (speak kindly to yourself in the front of the mirror)

The holistic approach to mental health self-care

9 Dimensions of Wellness

A holistic approach to mental health self-care


Improve your health and mental wellbeing working on the specific areas of your life


  1. Physical (engage in physical activity, nourish yourself from the inside out, stay hydrated)
  2. Emotional (track your emotions – notice, name, acknowledge, accept)
  3. Intellectual (focus on personal growth & self-improvement) 
  4. Social (create and maintain positive relations with others, spend quality time with your family and friends)
  5. Spiritual (find and feed your life purpose)
  6. Environmental (focus on your wellbeing, adopt a positive mindset)
  7. Occupational (search for personal satisfaction & enrichment, create space for “ME time”)
  8. Financial (focus on your career, align your goals with your purpose)
  9. Creative (unlock your creative potential, explore, create a vision board)

Download Your FREE Printable Mental Health Self-Care Worksheets!

Best Posts About Health:

  1. 6 Simple Ways To Live A Healthier Lifestyle HERE
  2. Free Yourself From Unwanted Intrusive Thoughts HERE
  3. How To Start Eating Mindfully HERE
  4. Put Yourself In A Positive Headspace HERE
  5. The 20 Most Unexpected Benefits Of Anxiety HERE 
  6. It’s Just A Bad Day Not A Bad Life HERE
  7. Yes, I’m Depressed, No, I’m Not Giving Up – 5 lessons about depression HERE
  8. 23 Ways To Support Your Friend Or Relative With Their Mental Health HERE
  9. 10 Powerful Tips To Survive An Emotional Breakdown – Finding Hope In The Face Of Personal Tragedy HERE

40 Simple ways to BOOST your MENTAL HEALTH

  1. Keep a Daily Journal
  2. Practice Positive Self-Talk
  3. Create A Gratitude Jar
  4. Spend Quality Time With Your Loved Ones – Build Tour Tribe
  5. Practice Mindfulness HERE
  6. Meditate
  7. Adopt Healthy Eating Habits
  8. Treat Yourself In A Healthy Way
  9. Drink Coffee In Moderation 
  10. Try To Avoid Tabacco, Alcohol, And Drugs
  11. Get Quality Rest
  12. Practice Self-Care (free printable workbook HERE or Below)
  13. Feed Your Passion
  14. Create A Healthy Morning Routine HERE
  15. Create A Healthy Bedtime Routine HERE
  16. Create Motivation
  17. Connect With Nature – go for a walk in nature & get some natural vitamin D
  18. Practice Self-Improvement
  19. Engage In Physical Activity 
  20. Relax & Recharge Batteries (practice “il dolce far niente” HERE)
  21. Master single-tasking
  22. Get Organized 
  23. Declutter your mental & physical space HERE
  24. Get Inspired
  25. Get Creative – DIY experiment
  26. Create a playlist on Spotify
  27. Create a vision board
  28. Track your emotions 
  29. Laugh more – watch your favorite comedy show 
  30. Get rid of toxic energy & toxic people HERE
  31. Manage your stress levels
  32. Address Your Problems
  33. Ask For Help When You Need It
  34. Get Outside Your Comfort Zone
  35. Travel – go on a short trip
  36. Be a tourist in your own town 
  37. Gain a new perspective – change the environment for a while
  38. Embrace your solitude – go on a solo date HERE
  39. Write A Letter To Yourself
  40. Embrace Your Inner Child HERE

“It’s up to you today to start making healthy choices. Not choices that are just healthy for your body, but healthy for your mind.”

Daily Reminders in terms of mentality:

  1. Make Yourself A Priority
  2. Be Assertive (if you want to say “no”, say “no”)
  3. Speak Your Truth (Stand Up For Yourself)
  4. Never Apologize For Who You Are
  5. Listen & Embrace Your Intuition
  6. Be Kind To Yourself
  7. Stay Away From Negative People
  8. Don’t Speak Bad About Yourself
  9. Learn To Let Go
  10. Don’t Take Everything So Seriously
  11. Don’t Compare Yourself To Others
  12. Stop Caring What Other People Think
  13. Live In The Present Moment HERE
  14. Practice Forgiving Yourself HERE
  15. Work On Your Communication Skills
  16. Remember That Freedom Requires Responsibility

BEST Mental Self-care FREE Apps

free download
  1. What’s Up? – A Mental Health App (iOS and Android)
  2. MoodTools – Depression Aid (iOS and Android)
  3. Breathe2Relax (iOS and Android)
  4. MindShift CBT – Anxiety Canada (iOS and Android)
  5. Self-help for Anxiety Management (iOS and Android)
  6. Happify: for Stress & Worry (iOS and Android)
  7. Happier (iOS)
  8. Calm
    Meditation and Sleep Stories (iOS and Android)
  9. Smiling Mind Meditation for all ages (iOS and Android)
  10. MY3 Suicide Prevention (iOS and Android)
  11. PTSD Coach – not only for Veterans (iOS and Android)
  12. NOCD: Effective care for OCD (iOS)
  13. RR: Eating Disorder Management (iOS and Android)
  14. Rise Up + Recover: An Eating Disorder Monitoring and Management Tool for Anorexia, Bulimia, Binge Eating, and EDNOS (iOS and Android)
  15. CBT Thought Diary
    #1 Free Mood & Thought Journal (iOS and Android)

Have you checked my FREE printable workbooks on self-care and prioritizing life?

If not, you can DOWNLOAD your 2 FREE workbooks here, just CLICK on the photos!

10 Best (in my opinion) TED Talks For Your Mental Health

  1. The Magic of Not Giving a F*** from Sarah Knight HERE
  2. Don’t suffer from your depression in silence from Nikki Webber Allen HERE
  3. How to cope with anxiety from Olivia Remes HERE
  4. There’s no shame in taking care of your mental health from Sangu Delle HERE
  5. The brain-changing benefits of exercise from Wendy Suzuki HERE
  6. How to start a conversation about suicide from Jeremy Forbes HERE
  7. Depression, the secret we share from Andrew Solomon HERE
  8. Why we all need to practice emotional first aid from Guy Winch HERE
  9. Debunking the myths of OCD from Dr. Natascha M. Santos HERE
  10. My stroke of insight from Jill Bolte Taylor HERE
  11. On Being Just Crazy Enough from Joshua Walters HERE
  12. You aren’t at the mercy of your emotions — your brain creates them from Lisa Feldman Barrett  HERE

Stay Positive

Be Mindful

And Focus On Your Mental Health

xo Kate


Remember to SHARE


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