Save The Planet While Saving Money: 8 Simple Tips To Embrace An Eco-Friendly Frugality.


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It's Time For A Change

After decades of unrestrained consumption and using Earth’s natural resources mindlessly it’s time to rethink our lifestyle choices and become more eco-friendly for a better future for all.

The time to act is now to protect the environment. Not only because we cannot “migrate” to other planets but because we owe it to present and future generations. That sounds rather severe, I know. But it’s true.

I want to be a part of positive change that’s why in today’s post I’m sharing with you 8 simple ways you can save the environment while saving money. Because why not do both simultaneously?

So without further ado, let’s dive in!


5 Mindset Shifts To Protect Our Planet's Health

Slow Fashion over Fast Fashion

Glass over Plastic

Organic over Toxic

Unprocessed over Processed

Quality over Quantity

1. Be Intentional With Your Spendings

Oftentimes we buy something without much thought. We make a purchase after seeing or hearing an advertisement on TV, online, or on social media and we feel we have to have it. We buy IT not because we need it, but because we want it. 

“We buy things we don’t need with money we don’t have to impress people we don’t like.” Why do we do it? Well, probably because we want to be live happy without doing any work. So we search for quick fixes for complex problems instead of addressing the issue appropriately. 

Before the social media era being intentional with spendings was a bit easier. We weren’t surrounded by advertising. Now it’s different. Now, it’s important to be vigilant and almost immune to advertising. Otherwise, the fear of missing out will cost the trust a fortune.

The solution to that is to simplify your spending and be more intentional with your shopping. And what better way to do that than by creating a “to-buy” intentional spending list? 

  1. Create a “to-buy” intentional spending list
  2. Put items you want to buy on this list 
  3. Ask yourself if you are spending in line with my values
  4. Ask yourself how a certain product or service will improve the quality of your life
  5. Ask yourself what are the alternative options (borrowing or buying second-hand) 
  6. Before you make a purchase wait at least 7 days and if you still feel like the purchase is a necessity, buy it 

2. Go Reusable

The next tip that will help you to save money while saving the environment is to go reusable. It might seem like a small detail, but it’ll have a significant impact on your financial well-being and on the Earth. 

Plastic pollution is a huge problem, and whether we like it or not we all have contributed to that. Fortunately, it’s not too late to fix it. But we can only do it if we do it together and we’ve got to do it now. There is no more time to wait. It is our responsibility to take care of the environment. 

Simply reducing our plastic usage and going reusable can make a huge difference when it comes to keeping our earth clean and making an impact on the environment.

Gardening and Sustainable Living Bundle 2021

3. Start A Small Garden

There is nothing more delicious than fresh herbs in your food. And if you prepare your meals with herbs that you have grown yourself the whole experience become even more satisfying. Not to mention that growing your own herbs is much cheaper than buying them in a grocery store. 

Just imagine eating pizza Margherita, Spaghetti Carbonara or Caprese sandwich with fresh herbs… Getting hungry just thinking about it! So if you like the idea of preparing your meals with fresh, organic and delicious herbs you should start a herb garden, just like I did! Gardening is very trendy right now!

Wish you could grow your own but don’t know where to start? No matter where you live or your level of gardening expertise, you CAN grow more of your own food. Find 25 resources (and 7 BONUSES worth $146.95) to show you how inside the Gardening & Sustainable Living Bundle. $24.97 for 5 days only.

Gardening and Sustainable Living Bundle 2021

Inside you’ll find eBooks and eCourses that teach you how to:

  • Grow delicious vegetables (even if you’re short on space)
  • Preserve food with canning, dehydrating & fermenting
  • Plan your garden so you don’t waste a square inch
  • Homestead like it’s your job (seriously, you can make money from it)
  • And even raise your own chickens!
  • And much more!

When you buy the Gardening & Sustainable Living Bundle, you’ll get access to:

  • 12 eBooks
  • 7 eCourses
  • 6 printables & planners
  • 7 BONUSES!

Best of all, you can get the entire package for just $24.97.

Countdown Timer

4. DIY Cleaning Products

Most household cleaners that you can find on supermarket shelves are not only very expensive but also extremely toxic. Thus if you are concerned about your health and the planet’s you should start making natural cleaning products ASAP! Not only it will help you to reduce your exposure to harmful chemicals at home but also you will save a significant amount of money. ‘Cause, let’s be honest, industrial cleaning products are pretty expensive. 

DIY-ing home & kitchen cleaning products is easy, safe, simple and fun. Everyone can do it! And the best is, that you don’t have to make different types of products. You can easily make an all-purpose non-toxic cleaner with only 4 extremely cheap and natural ingredients. That’s exactly what I did following the recipes & uses I mention below.

How To Make Natural Households Cleaners

5. Donate or Sell, Don’t Toss

A deep spring cleaning is done and now you have:

  • a pile of nearly new ladies clothes
  • a box of books that you’ve already read and you have no intention to reread
  • designer bags that you regret purchasing
  • lots of kitchen gadgets you’ve never used
  • a backpack in good condition
  • gently used youth sports equipment you don’t need anymore
  • Christmas decoration in pretty good condition
  • some used furniture you don’t want to keep but throwing it away is not an option
  • because it’s still in a good condition
  • and much other stuff you don’t want or use anymore

Great! Now you can sell it all and earn some money!

The secondhand market is growing rapidly during the pandemic as consumer habits change. Being stuck at home and not being able to spend money as usual made people rethink how they spend the money they have. Spending on trivial things goes out of style, whilst getting higher quality used items for a lower price is becoming a new trend. So before you even think of getting rid of your “clutter”, check if you could sell it or donate it. 

Places To Sell Your Clutter

  1. Etsy here
  2. Poshmark here
  3. Marketplace on Facebook
  4. Amazon – declutter and sell on Amazon 
  5. eBay – declutter and sell the things you don’t need on eBay

6. Save Water

Water makes up about 71% of the Earth’s surface. Which means we don’t have to worry about water shortage, right? I mean, Earth is a watery planet, which means there’s plenty of freshwater for everyone. And we shouldn’t be concern about the future of water. Well, not really.

Currently about 70% of the world’s freshwater withdrawals are for agriculture, 16% are for energy and industry and 14% are for domestic purposes. Recent work suggests that unless we change our historic approach to how we use water, we could face a 40% gap by 2030 between global demand and what can sustainably be supplied.

So as you can see, the security of freshwater resources around the world is of increasing concern. We should all be concerned about it. Furthermore, we should all be saving water. Below you will find 5 simple ways you can reduce your water usage to help preserve our environment and save money on your water bill.


  1. Wash only full loads of laundry
  2. Run your dishwasher with a full load only
  3. Take shorter (and colder) showers
  4. Turn off the water while brushing your teeth
  5. Save water while cooking

7. Use Energy More Efficiently

Another smart way to save the environment while saving money is to reduce building energy consumption, or more simply – start using energy more efficiently.

Most people are outraged and shocked when they see their monthly utility bill yet they don’t do much to save money on utilities. This is kind of strange especially when you realize how simple is that. All it takes to keep your electricity bill down is to start conserving energy in the home. This is exactly how I did it. I became an energy-conscious consumer. I made a couple of changes in my daily life that cut my electric bill in half. If you’re interested in doing so, here are 13 simple ways to save money while keeping your electricity bill down:

  1. Unplug your electronics when you leave the house
  2. Only wash full loads of dishes or clothes
  3. Turn off lights during the day & use natural light 
  4. Use less hot water
  5. Install a digital thermostat (or turn your thermostat down)
  6. Limit your water usage
  7. Turn your water heater down 
  8. Change your air filters more often
  9. Switch light bulbs
  10. Caulk and weatherstrip windows and doors
  11. Run your major appliances in off-peak hours
  12. Do not heat or cool your home when no one is in
  13. Use any appliance’s eco-mode

8. Drive Less If You Can

I love when people say: Everyone should ride a bike or walk to work to cut carbon emissions from transportation. The thing is, it’s not always possible. Riding a bike to work can be a challenge if you are living in rural areas where it is a must to have a car. And I don’t think I know one single person who could walk to work. Except those who work from home due to the pandemic.

But you can use public transport…they say… Well, that’s also not true. Not every big city has a good public transportation system. So even these days, there are cases when you really need a car. However, it does not mean that we should not try to reduce car use, especially in urban areas. Of course, we should!

There are many benefits of reducing car usage and saving the planet’s health is only one of them. Because if you drive less and walk (or bike) more you save a substantial amount of money and you increase physical activity throughout your day. It is a win-win situation. So if you can go on foot, go by bike or use public transportation instead of driving do it. But if you can’t, don’t beat yourself up for that. Just try to be a more environment-conscious car owner!

The Ultimate Finance Planner

What's Included In The Financial Planner

Evaluate Your Current Financial Situation:
Yearly Overview
Yearly Expense Tracker
Net Worth Worksheet

Budgeting & Finance Planning:
Monthly Budget with Categories
Monthly Budget Planner
Monthly Budget Planner with Savings & Debt Goals
Subscription Reminder
Password Keeper

Manage Your Spending:
No Spend Challenge
Expense Tracker
Grocery Shopping List

Set Finance Goals & Challenge Yourself:
Emergency Fund
Top Savings Goals
Savings Tracker
Finance Goals
Savings Goal Tracker Jar

All the Trackers:
Debt Payment Tracker
Savings Tracker
Bill Tracker
Account Tracker
Yearly Expense tracker

Calendars to Track Your Finances:
Monthly Finance Tracker
Monthly Expense Tracker

Comes in A5, A4, and US Letter sizes

Grab Your Free Printable Workbooks

Best Posts About Achieving Goals:

  1. Maximize Your Productivity: 6-Step Method To Get More Things Done In Less Time. HERE
  2. Perfect Morning Routine to Reduce Stress & Anxiety HERE 
  3. The Ultimate Guide For Setting & Reaching Your Goals HERE
  4. 6 Self-Improvement Habits To Adopt in 2020 HERE
  5. Get into the Habit of Being Seriously Organized in 2020. HERE
  6. 8 Simple Steps to Set Yourself Up for a Successful 2020 HERE
  7. Powerful and smart ways to manage your time efficiently and effectively HERE
  8. 5 steps to success in achieving your goals HERE
  9. The ultimate way to overcome procrastination and become a highly productive person HERE
  10. The science of motivation HERE
  11. 10 powerful habits to boost your confidence HERE

Stay positive

be mindful

and live a more sustainable lifestyle!

xo Kate

Remember to SHARE


2 Responses

  1. I bet your herb garden is awesome! I’m not always one for trends, but eco-friendly being trendy is certainly a good thing as more people get interested, brands start doing their bits, and we get more choices that enable us to be environmentally friendly. I absolutely think every small thing can count, like you say with just using a bit less plastic and recycling everything you can. It all adds up. Fab tips, Kate!

    Caz xx

    1. Well, it’s not the most spectacular herb garden you can imagine but I am kind of proud of it. My basil has become a monster which means that it’s time for pesto! 😃 THANK you for your comment CAZ! As always, your feedback is highly appreciated! Hope you’re doing well. Have a wonderful week!! 😘😘

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