How To Figure Out What You Want In Life And Go For It: 12 Simple Exercises.
Table of Contents Embark On The Journey Towards Your Dream Life We live in a hectic, noisy, and extremely chaotic world, where sometimes hearing yourself
Table of Contents Embark On The Journey Towards Your Dream Life We live in a hectic, noisy, and extremely chaotic world, where sometimes hearing yourself
Struggling to make a difficult decision? Well, you’re not the only one. But luckily, there are a lot of powerful tools you can use to simplify your decision-making process. And one of them is Suzy Welch’s “10-10-10 Rule”. If you have heard about this particular method, it’s time to catch up.
“All personal achievement starts in the mind of the individual. Your personal achievement starts in your mind. The first step is to know exactly what your problem, goal, or desire is.” The next step is to develop success-oriented mindsets that will help you to stay on track with your goals, push through obstacles when they happen, and create the life you want.
There is something magical about setting new goals in life. It’s probably the fact that goals announce a change, a personal transformation. Because whether you’re chasing a new direction in life or making only a small adjustment to your current lifestyle you’re going to transform and grow from this experience.
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