Category: Motivation

How To Navigate Massive Life Change Like A Badass: 5-Step Process Of Going After The Life You Want During Uncertain Times.

Life is like a kaleidoscope, everything changes, nothing stands still. We never know what is going to happen next. Is it scary? Yes! But at the same time, it’s incredibly exciting! Change is not something you can avoid, ignore or deny. Of course, you can try it but it will only create pain and sorrow. A much better solution is to accept, embrace and adapt to change. If you find the courage to do that you will be able to create a positive adjustment and use these less-than-perfect circumstances to your advantage. This change is an incredible opportunity for growth but “You have to be willing to grow. Growth is different from something that happens to you. You produce it. You live it. The prerequisites for growth: the openness to experience events and the willingness to be changed by them.”

The opportunity for growth is knocking at your door. Are you ready to open the door? Are you ready to create a positive adjustment and go after the life you want? If your answer is yes, here are my 5-step process to adjust positively to a massive change. It’s time to focus on what is in your control. It’s time to embrace change in a way that allows you to thrive. So without further ado, let’s get into this!

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How To Make The Most Of A Difficult Situation: 12 Things To Focus On During The Coronavirus Pandemic.

With the COVID-19 outbreak now a pandemic, the world has become incredibly chaotic. We are all experiencing something that has never happened before in human history. All of the things that are happening right now are completely out of our control. But we STILL have a choice! We can focus more on the bad than on the good. I choose the second option. (remember that I’ve been living in total lockdown since 8th of march!) That’s why today I am sharing with you 12 simple ways to use THIS situation to your advantage. I hope you will find my tips helpful. But before you start reading, I just wanted to say THIS situation is temporary. It WILL pass. We will get through this together and we will be stronger than ever before! So keep your head up. You got this!

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12 Life-Changing Habits of Highly Motivated People

Highly motivated people know that motivation is created intentionally and deliberately through actions, action sequences, and OTHER habits. There is nothing accidental or surprising about this process. There is no magical way you become insanely motivated just by thinking intensely about it. You need to take action that will trigger your motivation. And then once you become motivated to work towards your goals you need to fuel your motivation and keep the fire burning on the journey to your dreams. Why? well, because motivation is NOT constant. You need to take action, then another action and then… 

I’m sure you’re starting to see a pattern here…

Those “motivation fueling” actions, action sequences, and simple habits will help you to set a specific and sustainable rhythm of your daily life. And once you define the rhythm of your daily life you will no longer wait for motivation to strike and inspire you to start your new projects. 

In other words, if you want to be highly motivated you need to be active mentally and physically instead of waiting for something or someone to motivate you. 

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Discover One Simple Habit to Make Motivation Flow Effortlessly Every Single Morning.

Are you negotiating with yourself immediately after waking up trying to figure out how much time you’ve got before it’s too late? Or maybe you are trying to solve a mathematical equation to find out how long you can stay in bed without risking being late for work. Tell me, is doing the math the first thing you do in the morning? If the answer is yes, your real “morning” problem is not tiredness or exhaustion but the lack of motivation. In this post you will discover one simple habit to make motivation flow effortlessly every single morning.

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The Science Of Motivation – 10 powerful ways to stay insanely motivated.

So, what is the best approach on challenging yourself and finding a motivation? Well, in my personal opinion first thing to do is to establish your life priorities and set a goal structure but in a realistic way. What does it mean? It means that we should find our mind-body-spirit balance in order to work hard and rest hard (you know what I mean).

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Get Your Shit Together And Regain Control Of Your Life In Just 5 days!

Well, the struggle is real. Considering the fact that life didn’t come with an instruction manual and you cannot be 100% sure what is the best choice before you actually make it you have every right to feel overwhelmed, confused and heartbroken… But only for a little while because once this all calms down it’s time to step up, embrace the creator role, regain control and take your life back once again.

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The Ultimate Guide To Unlocking Your Creative Motivation

Sometimes it’s really hard to find motivation and be extremely productive especially if you have a bad day. Motivation is not constant and being busy doesn’t mean being productive. So what is the best and easiest way to find motivation and boost your productivity even if you feel tired, sad or lazy? I write this post to inspire you and help you to boost your motivation and productivity when you feel like doing nothing.

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How To Stay Motivated When Everything Goes Wrong.

Discover simple ways to get inspired and find your motivation even in those days when you feel like doing nothing. Motivation is not constant and busy doesn’t mean being productive but if you adopt this simple and effective strategy you will boost your motivation even when it seems impossible.

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