But First Coffee!!!


I’ve just woke up a second ago. I haven’t even opened my eyes yet (yes it is possible and quite normal) and my first thought was to get a cup of coffee. As quickly as possible. The stronger the better. I am not going to lie to you, every second counts here. There’s not a moment to lose. Coffee wakes me up from my every night coma. Long, black coffee with a dash of almond milk and teaspoon of coconut oil. That’s how I love to drink this special mourning mixture. The bigger the better. Strong enough to hit me harder and faster than average cappuccino my friends like to drink. If you haven’t noticed yet, coffee is my drug of choice, my magic potion, and my vital energy. I am not exaggerating here. Cup of strong, flavoring coffee is the conscious choice that I make every morning in order to start my day productively with a positive mindset. Caffeine boosts my energy levels like nothing else can do. Am I addicted? Probably I am but I’ve got my addiction under control. I swear. We (caffeine and I) learned through the years how to coexist in perfect harmony. Honestly, I believe that we complement each other. Just like a perfect couple with every up and down we get stronger every day.

Coffee is a magic potion

creamy cappuccino

Have you ever seen The Adventures of Asterix? If yes, you probably remember a magic potion prepared by a druid named Panoramix. This mixture gave a temporary superhuman strength to those who drink it, except chubby Obelix who felt into the magic potion when he was a young kid and its effects last forever for him. Massive money saving I would say… honestly, for me, coffee is this kind of magic potion…

So, I have a confession to make. I’ve been drinking coffee every day since my childhood. I’m not kidding. I remember the taste of chicory coffee when I was about 7 years old… Is it only my imagination or I really smell its special flavor? Instant chicory coffee flavor it’s my favorite emotional trigger, the rest of them I consider harmful to my mental health. But this one takes me into a dream world. So satisfying

Oh, gosh how I need some caffeine running in my veins just to stay alive. My mind which I consider a living proof of perpetual motion because it never stops even when I am sleeping,  slows down right now without the magic power of caffeine. My drug of choice is calling me. I can hear its voice coming from the kitchen. It’s time to make a sacrifice. I have to gather together all the forces to be able to get up from a bed and make myself a cup of coffee. Hold on. Give me one second and I will return to the subject of my story.

Coffee lover or Coffeeholic? 

coffee lover or coffeeholic

So good to be back…

Yes, I am a self-diagnosed coffeeholic. I have to finally admit this. It means, that this is a serious issue that needs some serious attention. That’s why I said to myself that I am not going to ignore this. Speaking about this, there was a time in my life when I was definitely exaggerating with the amount of caffeine. Especially when I was struggling with an eating disorder, Anorexia Nervosa. When I was starving myself to death the only thing that was giving me that little boost of energy was a cup of coffee than another one and another one. That is how this vicious circle of excessive use of caffeine began. Did I know by then about the risks of too much caffeine? Of course, I did. Did I do something about this? No, not at the beginning. Only when, I started my therapy, I decided to reduce the amount of everyday caffeine in order to heal myself and create a healthy relationship with food (and beverages!) It was my conscious choice because, I knew by then that too much caffeine can be and will be harmful to our body, mind, and soul because it has various side effects that obviously do not come along with holistic and mindful living.

Caffeine isn’t a drug it’s a VITAMINE!

As we all know that caffeine is highly addictive but luckily this kind of addiction can be and should be controlled. Why is it so important? Because, even the good stuff if used in a wrong, excessive manner can be harmful. As a matter of fact, we have to find a way to appreciate the good things in life, it is our moral duty. Special things require special approach otherwise they easily become an average and usual thing and we just stop caring about them. Therefore, the keyword or golden rule, if you want, is a balance, as always.    

caffeine is a vitamine

If coffee is your fuel and you are a self-diagnosed coffeeholic like me, read & learn more about benefits and risks of caffeine:   

Benefits of drinking coffee: 

  • Boost energy levels because it’s a natural stimulant
  • Improve temporarily concentration & focus
  • Increase metabolism
  • Helps you burn fat & lose weight
  • Helps with constipation because it’s a natural stimulant and in consequence affects also your colon (just in case it’s a morning problem for somebody)
  • Contains antioxidants which fight free radicals which in abundance cause damage to the body
  • Contains essential nutrients – Vit B2, Vit B5, Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium, Niacin, Manganese
  • Stimulates central nervous system  
  • Has an antidepressant effect – lowers suicidal risk and helps fight depression because it improves mood
  • Reduces the risk of certain diseases (some types of cancer, type II diabetes, Parkinson, Alzheimer/Dementia)
  • Decreases risk of heart disease and prevents from of strokes
  • Lowers risk of liver disease
  • Can delay the aging process
  • Eliminates the edema
  • Is good as pre-workout (boosts your physical performance) and post workout (reduces muscle pain) beverage
benefits and risks of caffeine

Risks of drinking coffee:

  • Caffeine is addictive (in case you didn’t know that!)
  • May interfere with the absorption of vitamins and minerals by the body, especially decreases absorption of iron (if you take a supplement to do it in a mindful way!)  
  • Can interfere with some medications especially with thyroid medications or antidepressants
  • Raises blood pressure and insulin levels
  • Can raise cholesterol levels
  • May increase cause panic attacks and increase anxiety levels
  • May cause or worsen acid reflux/heartburn because caffeine is extremely acidic and in consequence, it lowers natural body pH
  • May cause insomnia – avoid drinking caffeine in the afternoon
  • May harm your stomach because it increases stomach acid levels
  • Can cause indigestion – never drink coffee on an empty stomach
  • Can be a laxative because it causes muscle contractions (it can be beneficial but of course NOT in abundance, who likes to go for number 2 couple of times a day?!)

Tips for coffeeholics:

  1. Drink good quality coffee in moderation – remember that bad quality coffee is toxic!
  2. Do NOT put anything unhealthy to your coffee (sugar, artificial sweeteners, pasteurized milk, cream and other unhealthy extras)

Remember that coffee is not for everyone!

  • Not for those who are intolerant or allergic to caffeine
  • Not for pregnant women because coffee may increase the risk of miscarriage
Best coffee alternatives

Best coffee alternatives:

  • Matcha green tea (contains antioxidants)
  • Yerba mate (is full of nutrients: iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium, selenium, Vit B1, B2, B3, B5 ecc.)
  • Kombucha tea (contains probiotics and beneficial acids)
  • Lemon water (boost metabolism, boost energy levels, detoxify, alkalizes your body,) 
  • Hot maca (boosts your adrenals and balances your hormonal system)
  • Coconut water (contains bioactive enzymes)
  • Guarana (contains 300%more caffeine than coffee beans and it’s sweet and tasty!)
  • Cocoa (lowers blood pressure, contains antioxidants, improves mood)

In conclusion, I just want to add that coffee can be a superfood if you use its good properties in a mindful manner.

Take care & Drink your coffee in a mindful way!

xx Kate

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