Your Physical World Is The Fruit Of Your Mental Creation

your inner world is constantly being projected into your external reality

The Power Of your mind

The concept that “3D reality is a mental creation” aligns with both spiritual and metaphysical teachings, as well as insights from quantum physics and neuroscience. Let me break it down for you:


The Nature of 3D Reality

  • 3D Reality refers to the physical world we perceive with our five senses—space, time, and material objects. It is bound by cause and effect, linearity, and the illusion of separateness.
  • It is not fixed or objectively “real” in the way we often assume. Instead, it is a projection of our inner world—our thoughts, beliefs, emotions, and intentions.
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Mental Creation in Action

“I say never be complete, I say stop being perfect, I say let... let's evolve, let the chips fall where they may.”

  • Thoughts Shape Perception

    • Your mind is a filter through which you interpret reality. Two people can experience the same event and perceive it entirely differently based on their thoughts, beliefs, and conditioning.
    • Neuroscience confirms this: the brain processes and gives meaning to sensory data, creating what we “see.”
  • Beliefs Manifest Experiences

    • At the core of mental creation is belief. What you consistently believe becomes the foundation of your experiences. If you believe in abundance, you’ll notice opportunities; if you believe in lack, you’ll encounter obstacles.
    • This is supported by the Reticular Activating System (RAS) in your brain, which acts like a filter, bringing into focus what aligns with your dominant thoughts and beliefs.
  • The Quantum Field and Reality Creation

    • Quantum physics teaches us that reality exists as waves of potential until observed or measured. Your mind, as the observer, collapses these potentials into form.
    • This means your attention and focus have the power to shape what solidifies in your physical world.
  • The Power of Emotion and Vibration

    • Your emotions carry a vibrational frequency that interacts with the energetic field of reality. High-vibration emotions (love, joy, gratitude) attract experiences that match those frequencies, while low-vibration emotions (fear, anger, doubt) draw in their corresponding experiences.
    • You are like a tuning fork, and your mental and emotional states determine the “notes” you resonate within the quantum field.


Practical Implications

  • Conscious Manifestation: By consciously choosing your thoughts and feelings, you can direct the creation of your 3D reality. This is the essence of manifestation.
  • Inner Work for Outer Change: Changing the “outer world” starts within. When you align your self-concept, beliefs, and emotions with your desired reality, the external world reorganizes to reflect that alignment.
  • Detachment from Illusion: Recognizing 3D reality as a mental creation allows you to see through its limitations. It’s not fixed or absolute—you have the power to shift it.
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Reclaiming Your Role as Creator

To say that 3D reality is of your mental creation is to acknowledge that the outer world is a projection of your inner state. It’s like a mirror reflecting your dominant thoughts, feelings, and beliefs. This awareness gives you the power to consciously shape your life by shifting your inner narrative.

Understanding that the 3D world is a mental creation liberates you. It places the power back in your hands, reminding you that life isn’t happening to you; it’s happening through you. When you master your mind and energy, you master your reality.

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