Everything You Desire Already Exists: The Simplest Strategy To Attract What You Want Into Your Reality.


how to make your dreams come true

Table of Contents

Everything You Want In This Life

already exists

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What you desire is already yours. It already exists just in a different shape or form in a parallel reality, in a different timeline. So your “only” task here is to make a quantum shift to a parallel timeline where you can actually enjoy the thing you desire so much. Or more simply, you need to raise your vibration to match the frequency of what you want and the Universe will have no choice but to deliver it to you. It’s the fundamental law of the quantum field that we live in. It’s physics, not magic.

Although, considering how we’ve been programmed since we were born into this realm it may seem insane. But it’s up to you what you choose to believe in. Because the thing is, that you and ONLY you choose what is true to you. You must understand that. Indeed, what you believe it’s true manifests in your reality. And vice versa, when you think something is “logically” impossible to be true you will never experience that during this lifetime. Only the things you believe are true, possible, and probable can manifest in your 3d world.  

So as I said before, everything that you can possibly imagine is already there since the beginning of it all. Your only task is to bring it to the physical realm of your reality. And the most powerful tool to do that you already have – it’s your mind, or more precisely your thoughts. But here’s a deal, you HAVE to BELIEVE it’s true otherwise your doubts, fears, and limiting beliefs will create a block between you and the thing you want. So be careful here. And remember, that if you really want something to manifest in your 3d reality you need to suspend logic and open yourself for unlimited possibilities that the Universe can offer you.

Everything is possible in the quantum field we live in. You can achieve, become, and do anything you desire. There are no limitations in this Universe except those you imposed on yourself somewhere along the way. And once you suspend logic, the world of unlimited possibilities will open to you. 

If it sounds complicated, it’s only because you use logic instead of intuition to get what you want. A logical mind is a useful tool for making a to-do list, delivering a project, opening a bank account, doing grocery shopping, or filling out your tax return. Although technically, you can achieve all of these things without even lifting a finger, simply by manipulating the energy field. But shhhh…

But at the same time, it will block you from stepping into an adjacent timeline wherein your manifestations are a reality. Why? Because it’s beyond logic… It will never happen because your logical mind is deeply immense in 3d reality. The role of your brain is to affirm the things that already exist in your current reality. It will never go beyond what you already see, feel, sense, hear, and taste in the so-called “here and now”.

Shifting realities and changing timelines to get what you want requires understanding how to manipulate the energy of the quantum field in the right way. Once you learn that, manifestation will be easy, effortless, and super fast. I mean it. Once you master this skill, the sky’s the limit. You will be transcending realities faster than the speed of light (forgive me, I could not resist) using your consciousness only.

In brief, everything is possible once you suspend the logic. There are no limitations in the quantum field. You can have, be, and achieve whatever you want. The possibilities, opportunities, and scenarios are limitless in the Universe. The only limit is your mind. All the self-limiting beliefs, doubts, or even fears are self-created. But the good news is, what is self-created can be also self-destroyed. But to attain this, you need to make a conscious choice to take full responsibility for your own life experience.

Because the thing is, you are a powerful manifestor. You create your reality with the power of your thoughts constantly, whether you are aware of it or not. You cannot suspend this innate ability given to you by the divine. What you can do is learn how to manifest consciously the life you truly want to live instead of affirming the same old narrative that does not satisfy you at any level.

Most people tend to minimize the power of their thoughts. If they only knew that they manifest their reality in every second of their lives. They just do it unconsciously. As a result, they affirm the same things over and over again without even realizing that. And in most cases, they keep affirming the reality they do not want to live in anymore but they are too afraid to change that.

Correct me if I am wrong but I believe that if you are reading this article it means that subconsciously you feel that there’s something more to this life… That’s why you’re here, so close to finding an answer on how to profoundly change your life. Furthermore, you already made a decision, you’re just looking for the right strategy to make your dreams come true. And I’m here to assist you with that. So without further ado, let’s dive in.

What I can tell you now is that I have realized that everything, literally everything is possible. All you need to do is truly open yourself up to new opportunities, and there are plenty of them. Believe me.  And this is exactly what I did.

I literally moved on from the state of “making the best of my current situation” to a state of unrestricted creation of the so-called “here & now”. When the shock wore off I realized that I want and I need to share my discovery/observation/knowledge with others. To make it easier I created a new platform called “Neuron Dreams” that soon will be online. This is me, up-leveling my blog to a true resource to help my readers truly and profoundly change their lives. 

It’s a new chapter for me and for you. I started a completely new journey and now I invite you to join me.

1. Knowledge Is The Key

Before you even start to apply the strategy I’m about to reveal, you need to understand the basics of how the quantum field works. And because 3d reality keeps us busy I will make it short: 

“If you can imagine it, you can achieve it. If you can dream it, you can become it.”

Before you even start to apply the strategy I’m about to reveal, you need to understand the basics of how the

Everything is ENERGY in the Universe. Furthermore, the energy cannot be created or destroyed. It can only be transformed. Thus, your task here is to learn how to manipulate the energy in a way that you can manifest what you want.

But first, you need to suspend logic and accept that everything is possible in terms of energetic exchange. It’s that simple. All you need is to open yourself to the unlimited possibilities that the Universe itself contains.

Everything exists in the physical and non-physical realms because it vibrates with a certain frequency. For us, human beings it’s much easier to “believe” in the things we can watch with our own eyes. We’ve been programmed this way.

But what about the things that we do not see but strongly feel with our gut feeling? What about our dreams, ideas, and vision of ideal reality? They are not coming out of nowhere. They come to our mind because subconsciously we know they already exist in a different state of matter and energy in the non-physical realm. If they are not already here & now it means that they vibrate at a different frequency than we are.

Thus, the solution seems to be pretty simple. If you manage to match the frequency of your desired reality there will be no other option than to bring it to the physical realm. And you know why everything is possible? Because everything already exists. It’s time to discover that!

What you desire, already exists, just on a parallel timeline. Because here’s a thing, desire is a sign, a clear indication that what you want is really close, that’s why you FEEL that. In other words, you sense the things that are in your proximity.

Take yourself on a certain frequency so that you can attract what you want here & now.

field works. And because 3d reality keeps us busy I will make it short: 

2. The Power Of Intention

  • Set a clear intention of what you want. Be honest with yourself and state what you intend to accomplish through your actions. Don’t think about HOW and WHEN it will happen. It’s not your concern because once you communicate clearly what you want the Universe will conspire to deliver you that. It will do it in divine timing in the best possible way. It will happen when you are ready.
  • Whereby, being ready for something has nothing to do with time passing by, but with the frame of mind you’re cultivating and the level of your confidence. In other words, if you are 100% sure it’s possible, it will happen.
  • Once you achieve crystal clear clarity on what you want, look into the mirror and say it out loud at least 3 times in the morning (soon after waking up) and in the evening (soon before falling asleep). Take advantage of the state that aligns you with the natural cycles of the brain. It’s not a secret that with theta waves (your brain state at that moment) you can manifest (bring to life) anything you want.
  • Write your intention down. It’s more convincing when it’s written in black and white. When it’s written in your notebook, you’re already halfway through to manifest that.

3. Control Your Thoughts

Control the stream of thoughts in your mind. Be selective. I mean it. Do not entertain the ideas you don’t want to become your reality. Because everything you think can manifest really quickly in your 3d world. For that reason, you need to be mindful and conscious. Choose your thoughts wisely and carefully. Be aware of what kind of ideas you entertain because the stream of consciousness you feed causes certain emotions. Then you act on your emotions… and shortly after you see the result of your thinking in your 3d reality.

SOLUTION: Strict mental diet (get the workbook “Strict Mental Diet” here)

(remember what you focus on, grows. So entertain only the thoughts you want to become our reality. Ditch the habit of checking the news, social media, or emails first time in the morning. Instead, meditate, practice gratitude, say your intentions, and repeat positive “I AM” affirmations! )

If you want to transform your life, take control of your thoughts! Grab a free workbook and develop a new mental routine for yourself.

4. E-motion (Energy In Motion)

We call them emotions because it’s energy in motion. Emotions are energetically charged which means that they can result in “real life” experiences really quickly. They have incredible power to become unstoppable unless you block their potential to grow and manifest the things you do not want. So if you start experiencing an emotional state that makes you feel bad, anxious, or not good enough stop yourself there. Do not go this path. Distract yourself. Change your energy quickly. Don’t fuel negative thoughts and lack mentality.

SOLUTION: Learn to control your thoughts. Take your power back. Train yourself to be in charge of what you think and what you feel. You don’t like the emotions you feel? Change your thoughts. Distract yourself. Move your body. Listen to uplifting music. Do anything you can (that benefits you) to regain control over your mental state.

5. Control Your Focus

You become what you focus on. The people, things, social situations, words, opinions of others, newspaper headlines, TV news, social media content, someone else’s drama, or even some random comment from a complete stranger eventually become your reality.

What you pay attention to affects your later thoughts, your feelings, and your behaviors. In other words, you act based on how you feel and you feel based on how you think, or more precisely, what thought you choose to think. Believe it or not, you can always decide what thought you want to feed and what you prefer to abandon. You truly control the narrative on every single level, even if you’re doing this unconsciously.

As Tony Robbins says, where focus goes energy flows. In other words, if you want to become the best version of yourself and turn your dreams into reality you need to control your focus.

Do not get distracted when manifesting your dream life. Develop laser-like focus and point it at your best-case scenario. 

Remember: Matrix/3d reality/so-called physical world is based on low vibrations that keep you in a lack mentality so that you cannot grow, liberate yourself, unlock your true potential, and use your creative power to manifest your dreams.

Once you discover your power of creation do not let the 3d reality (and low vibrational entities) pull you back again into a low consciousness state. To avoid that you need to stay mindful and focused on WHAT you want. Resist the urge to lower your vibrational state and persist with your manifestation. Stay FOCUSED! And if you get distracted just get back on track as soon as possible. You’ve got this!

6. Use The Law Of Assumption

Act as if you already have it! Sounds delusional? Maybe, just a bit but if it works and it makes you feel better why not be a bit delusional? It’s better to affirm the same, old, boring narrative that makes you suffer on a daily basis? I don’t think so. So yeah, be a bit delusional till you get what you want. Believe it. Feel it. Live this experience as if it was already true in your 3d reality. (actually, it’s already true just on a parallel timeline). Be 100% certain is already yours and the Universe will have no choice but to deliver your manifestation


SOLUTION: While attracting what you want into your current reality you need to use the law of assumption. You need to act as if what you want is already yours on a timeline you currently exist. Imagine that what you have is already yours and feel that. Close your eyes and dwell on the emotional state of a person who already achieved what they want. You want to be in a happy relationship and feel that you’re already loved by this person. Do you want to have that expensive car you cannot afford right now? Again, close your eyes and imagine that you’re going on a ride with your dream car, and ask yourself how good it makes you feel. Use the power of your imagination to cause certain feelings that will make you believe that you’re already having this experience. Do not limit yourself because the Universe you’re part of has NO limitations.

  • The Universe is largely based on vibration. This means that everything vibrates at a certain frequency. And once you match the frequency of a certain thing, the Universe has no choice but to deliver this to you. It’s pure logic actually.
  • Act like you already have what you want, be who you want to become, and achieve what you want to get in this lifetime. This is the only way you can take yourself on a certain frequency so that you can attract what you want.

7. The Power Of Gratitude

  • Well, it’s not a secret that if you’re grateful for what you already have, the Universe will deliver you more of it. And vice versa, if you’re ungrateful why the Universe should give you more?
  • If you cultivate a lack mentality you create more lack. The Universe delivers to you what you think you are, not what you want. Because your state of being and emotional state radiate certain vibrations. What you believe you are determines the frequency you are at. Thus, if you want to profoundly change your life and achieve what you really want raise your emotional & spiritual vibration. How? By cultivating gratitude and a positive mindset! It’s that simple.
  • Go from a scarcity to an abundance mindset. Be grateful for everything you can indicate and as a result, you will be rewarded with more blessings.
  • Don’t stay in a victim mentality complaining that life is not fair, because the Universe will find a way to convince you it’s true. People you meet are messengers, experiences you have are mirrors of what you think about yourself and your current reality. Thus, once you change your narrative and the way you see your 3d world, what you see and experience will change in a matter of seconds.

8. Be Patient

    • This is the part a lot of people struggle with. But the struggle comes from the lack of understanding of the basics. The reality, the so-called 3d world, or simply, what you SEE before your eyes is ONLY A PROJECTION. And more importantly, it’s a PROJECTION of your past dominant thought manifested with a small delay.
    • This means that what you believe is your PRESENT, it’s actually your PAST because the Universe delivers you the results of your thoughts and emotions with a small delay. You are basically watching a previous season of a TV series when the next one is already produced just waiting for a premiere. It’s just like going to the cinema to watch part 2 of a saga when part 3 is already there, you just didn’t know that and you bought the wrong tickets! Don’t waste your time, energy, and money watching the previous season of your life by claiming it all over again. Set yourself free. Ditch the old narrative that does NOT serve you. Start living a life that feeds your higher purpose instead of wasting your potential.
    • That will be tricky! But hear me out:

    The PRESENT moment actually exists only in your head. It’s not what you see, it’s what you experience with your thoughts, emotions, and visions. So again, what you focus on you create. If you invest a sufficient amount of time, and energy, and focus on certain ideas it will manifest in your 3d reality. So BE CAREFUL what you entertain in your mind. If you don’t want to experience that, do NOT think about it. It’s that simple.

    Remember: When you see the results of your thoughts in your 3d reality it’s already your PAST.

9. Ignore Your Current Reality, It's Your Past

As your current reality, the circumstances you are experiencing right now, it’s actually your PAST you can and actually you SHOULD ignore everything that you don’t like. Do not affirm the things you don’t want to see, feel, or hear in your future. Do not claim the things, people, or experiences you want to get rid of. Stop pouring the weeds! Ignore them so they will disappear.  Yes, you heard me. When you stop giving attention to something it vanishes. It’s that simple.

IGNORE everything and anyone you do not want anymore in your 3d world. Do not interact. Do not react. Instead, raise your vibrational frequency by changing your mood and choosing the thoughts you want to entertain.  Transform negativity into positivity and see how everything is changing. Give the Universe the chance to deliver you what you truly want. Stop standing in the way of what you want. Take a deep breath, take a leap of faith, and go for it!

Simple Ways To Raise Your Vibration

  • Meditate
  • Practice gratitude
  • Visualize your best-case scenario, imagine that it’s already your 3d reality (Align our thoughts and emotions with what you want)
  • Journal about your dreams in the present tense (it’s already happened!)
  • Practice Mindfulness
  • Listen to uplifting music and dance like nobody’s watching
  • Surround yourself with positivity (get rid of negativity)
  • Cultivate unconditional love
  • Work on forgiveness
  • Work on your self-esteem and confidence
  • “Consume” only positive content, get inspired, and boost your motivation
  • Take intentional, inspired action, don’t wait, ACT as if it was already yours!
  • Masturbate

Mind Map Of This Workbook


Stay Positive

Be Mindful

Manifest Your Dream Life

xoxo Kate

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